Candidates for 2024/2025
Role | Candidates |
Social Secretaries (2 positions) | Andrew Whitaker and Helen Savage |
Ladies' Section Representative | Helen Savage |
Men's Section Representative | Andrew Whitaker |
Youth Section Representative | Stef Langdon |
Social Media Coordinator | Debbie Walker |
Member | Jules Hollows |
Member | Gareth Gainer |
Member | Vacant Role |
If you think you can make a contribution to any of these roles please contact
Paul Dubenski or Nick Cave or past holders of these roles to find out more about what’s involved.
Summary of Roles
Social Secretaries
The Social Secretaries are responsible for leading the development and delivery of a low-risk (non-loss-making) BHHHC social programme which supports an enhanced hockey experience for BHHHC's diverse members, their family and friends and, where appropriate, includes visiting hockey teams, external users and the local community (as incremental reputational development/income enhancement/community inclusion opportunities for BHHHC).
Men's Section/Ladies' Section/Youth Section Representatives
Represent their section on the Social committee, supporting with ideas and help at events.
Social Media Coordinator:
The Social Media Coordinator is the point of contact for sending articles for posting on social media.
Committee members support the Social Secretaries. Additional representatives welcome to help lead/support social events